Sunday, December 29, 2019

Discussion of How Mean Girls Conforms With the Teen Film...

Discussion of How Mean Girls Conforms With the Teen Film Genre (Paramount 2004) If I was to walk into a video store I would be able to choose from many different genres as this is how they are organised into categories. The genre that Mean girls comes under is â€Å"teen† genre. A teen genre is a film that is broadly appealing to a teenage audience. The film we studied was Mean Girls which is an American teen movie. The sub genre for this film was the School picture. By this I mean that it as set and revolved about teenagers at an American High school. The representation is these kind of films are stereotypes of the characters and mean girls was no different they put different labels on the†¦show more content†¦She then moves to America and joins a new school within weeks she is swept up into a totally different world of the Plastics the A-list girl clique at her new school who rule over the rest of the school. She faces problems she never had to face in Africa which we ironically think would be far more complicated than an average â€Å"civ ilized† high school. She faces the daunting prospect of having to find new friends which is hard for any newcomer to face. She is swept into the high school system of hierarchy she is then transformed into a bitching girly girl very different to the moral, child of the earth when she arrived at the school not too long ago. Cady falls into the plastics evil ways of sneering behind other peoples backs and spreading malicious rumors. She uses her knowledge of African wild animals and relates to the way that theShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Video Gaming, Film, Television, By Film Or Videogame4094 Words   |  17 Pages A character, or the role a character plays is a person in a work of art, such as a novel, play, television, film or videogame. Character, particularly when enacted by an actor in the theatre or cinema, involves the illusion of being a human person. In literature, characters guide readers through their stories, helping them to understand plots and ponder themes. In video gaming, it also involves the illusion of role-playing where a player of the game controls one’s actions and is typically a protagonistRead MoreGloablization4764 Words   |  20 Pageslive. In publishing, theatre, films, television and popular music-industries largely controlled by white men--Blacks continually struggle for both a voice and representation. Many scholars write about the stereotyping of Blacks in the media (Meyers, 1999; Davis, 1989). Light skinned Black women with classic European features predominate in beauty pageants, music videos, and in the world of modeling. 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ARead MoreMonsanto: Better Living Through Genetic Engineering96204 Words   |  385 PagesSUMMARY OF THE CASE ANALYSIS PROCESS Case analysis is an essential part of a strategic management course and is also perhaps the most entertaining part of such a course. The ‘full story’ that follows this summary gives you considerable detail about how to go about a case analysis, but for now here is a brief account. Before we start, a word about attitude – make it a real exercise. You have a set of historical facts; use a rigorous system to work out what strategies should be followed. All the casesRead MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words   |  922 PagesOrganizational Theory takes you on a joyful ride through the developments of one of the great enigmas of our time – How should we understand the organization? Jan Ole Similà ¤, Assistant Professor, Nord-Trà ¸ndelag University College, Norway I really enjoyed this new text and I am sure my students will enjoy it, too. It combines rigorous theoretical argument with application and consideration of how managment practice is formed and shape d by ideas and concepts. The authors have brought their wealth of experienceRead MoreStrategic Marketing Management337596 Words   |  1351 Pagesidentified as the authors of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form (including photocopying or storing in any medium by electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally to some other use of this publication) without the written permission of the copyright holder except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 or under the terms

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Video Game Violence Violent Video Games - 1626 Words

Brandon P. Student Ms. Dunn and Mrs. Davis English III 27 March 2015 Video Game Violence Violent video games have been being created since the first console. Yet only recently have we been blaming them for aggression in the player. We as humans have a tendency to blame our violent behavior on other things rather thin ourselves. Now aggression is being defined in many ways in this situation but mainly people point to the anger that’s brought out in the real world after the game or maybe it’s the gamers’ tendency to have outburst will playing the game. Both these thing show anger but do they really show that the game is what caused it. This same situation could be put in the place of me eating a potato and getting angry right after is it really the potatoes fault no. everyone get frustrated here and there could it not be that the player is only getting frustrated with the game same as if I was to get frustrated with trying to open something. Anger is a mysterious thing we all have it just some of us choose to show it more than others whether it be for one reason or another. Aggression is not the same thing a assertiveness. will playing games that include a vs. mode if the player was to die or be defeated by another player they usually want to retaliate and most people call this aggression but it’s not it’s the player trying to show his assertiveness over the other or that he’s better so basically if you have in aggressive beaverShow MoreRelatedVideo Game Violence And Violent Video Games2382 Words   |  10 PagesAbstract The issue of video game violence seems to be a hot topic right now after several shootings have occurred and made a connection to the shooters being video gamers. In looking at past research it is apparent that there seems to large amounts of research that contradict one work to another. Although I would have been interested in conducting a poll of the publics opinion regarding the use of violent video games and their connection to mass shootings I was not able to conduct the researchRead MoreVideo Games And Violent Violence1345 Words   |  6 Pageseven specially made devices for babies and children. Video games are interwoven with our daily lives. For many, it is just an innocent way to relax or enjoy themselves. For others, it has become an addiction in which they cannot escape. Not all video games are violent, but what about those that are? Does society have an obligation to monitor every type of video game children and adults play simply because they believe it may lead to acts of violence? Psychologists, Sociologists, Anthropologist, SchoolsRead MoreViolent Video Games And Violence1533 Words   |  7 Pagesthe unclear motives of the people behind such destructive behaviour. Unfortunately, many individuals have jumped to rash conclusions regarding the causes of such events by linking violent video games with violence in the youth population. Even more discerning individuals have also criticized the role of violent video games in encouraging people to become mass murderers. With these opinions gaining popularity in the mass media, it has become the predominant belief of society to explain why there areRead MoreVideo Games And Violent Violence Essay1630 Words   |  7 PagesVideo games are one of America’s most beloved pastimes, especially when it comes to teenagers. A whopping 97% of teenagers play video games, as opposed to only about 40% participate in sports. ( http://w This high percentage is still growing. Teens devotion for video games is becoming more and more popular, especially as more games of all different genres are becoming availableRead MoreViolent Video Games Cause Violence1906 Words   |  8 PagesEver since he started playing video games, like Call of Duty. Violent video games have been a battle that my family has been fighting for a few years now. My brother, started out small, playing Nintendo games and simple games like Crash. However, my brother has always had a slight anger management problem and even with easygoing games, he became furious when he lost. Because he has lofty dreams of winning every game possible, he will not stop. Now, with video games, like Call of Duty and God of WarRead MoreViolent Video Games And Violence855 Words   |  4 Pagesof violence in the popular media influencing a young generation to violence has been hotly debated. Since the introduction of violent video games in the 1970’s, for example, the shooting games Empire and Maze War from 1973, people have noticed that violent video games induce violent behavior in players, especially in teenage males. Despite people seeing the negative influence of violent media earlier as well, only in the last two decades has video game violence come to the forefront as video gameRead MoreViolent Video Games And Violence1203 Words   |  5 PagesAre violent video games directly correlated to teen violence? This is the burning question many researchers are dedicated to answering. The common form of the question is â€Å"Is the increase in violence in games creating killer kids?† The simple answer is no. Instead the opposite has occurred, as games became more violent, the players became calmer. The games create a â€Å"safe† outlet for any anger or angst that young people possess. Crime rates in the teen population have lowered and violent teens admitRead MoreViolent Video Games Cause Viol ence843 Words   |  4 PagesVideo games have been around for half a century when, the first simple tennis game was designed by William Higinbotham in 1958. Since then, video games have gotten more in depth, with better graphics and more options which include violent video games. Violent videos have gotten more popular with a better amount of variety including the franchise of Call of Duty, Battlefield, and Grand Theft Auto. These are the most common and popular video games and because of the violence in them debate has startedRead More Violent Video Games Do Not Cause Violence Essay3060 Words   |  13 Pages Do violent video games increase aggression in the people who play them? If so then video games could be responsible for much of the bad news we hear on television. Are video games responsible for school shootings? Do producers of video games need to tone down the violence? What will happen if video games become more and more violent and realistic? On the other hand, are video games to blame at all for the increase of violence in kids? When violence in video games started to increase, peopleRead MoreViolent Video Games Lead to Violence Essay1175 Words   |  5 Pagesbecoming more violent. Some worry that certain aspects of our technology, including the intenseness of violent video games, are affecting the violence among America’s youth, while others don’t see this as an issue at all. A study done in 2004, Factors Correlated with Violent Video Games Use by Adolescent Boys and Girls, reported that boys in grades seventh and eighth played violent video games to either release their anger or help them relax. According to the suggestion that video games act as a stress

Friday, December 13, 2019

Swimming Free Essays

Finally the warm days are here! Waiting for them meant an eternity for me, because I love swimming, but I don’t like to swim in the cold weather, and finding a pool, big enough for lap swimming, that is really WARM – 80 degrees at least- is very hard to find. Here in California, just few pools have warm (more then 80 degrees) water, and needles to say, the beach is a fridge-cold water place for me. I go to enjoy the sun, but nothing like the warm waters of the Pacific in Mexico, or the Caribbean. We will write a custom essay sample on Swimming or any similar topic only for you Order Now Ok, I’ll go back to my subject of swimming. That first dive of the season, felt so good! I swam –I have to say that I’m a good swimmer- the first 20 minutes warming up, the next 30 minutes racing against myself, and the last 20 minutes just†¦cruisin’ in the pool. This is my swimming routine simplified. Winding down is another story. Swimming slowly, enjoying the feeling of the water hitting my face, ah! And the feel of the gliding. Gliding is like the cherry on top of the ice cream. After a swim workout, gliding, enjoying your fast, or low speed, letting yourself go, it’s like a massage. After a while, all my muscles are relaxed, no headaches, no stress, swimming backstroke facing the ceiling of the indoor pool is like a siesta in a water-gliding Jacuzzi. I started swimming when I was 4 years old. By age 8 I was competing with other swimming schools. Not serious racing, but challenging and fun swim races. Many of my friends were there, and it was a very popular thing to do, since the weather is just propitious for that. Last week, I had my first wonderful, medicinal, therapeutically slow dive on a warm pool, without bringing with me coats, sweaters, hair driers and all the things that I need to stay warm after the swim and go out to the cold weather. Many would think I’m nuts because in California the weather is reasonably mild year round, but if you knew I was born in Mexico, in a city with a 9 month long summer, with temperatures peaking the 120 degrees 3 months on a row, they would understand that my body and skin are still missing that weather and the delightful feeling of a refreshing dive in water. Well, the sensation just before the diving is exhilarating for me too. Some times I feel so anxious – to go in- that the moments before become like a ritual of preparation. When I am about two and a half feet above the water; I stare at it, and it stares right back at me. My cap is in place, my swimming suit tight and perfect, and my gear with the flippers and hand weights waiting for me. The goggles give the water a crystal blue tint that taunts me; the water thinks it is better than I am. From the height of the block, the black tile that runs down the center of every lane appears to me as a runway. In just a few seconds I will be moving down that runway, trying to take off above the water. My eyes will be focused on that tile, to make sure I am in the center of my lane. I can see the water grinning and laughing at me now; I am standing on the block with my knees almost to the point of shaking. The water can tell how excited I am. The water looked so calm and smooth, beckoning me to dive in. But in just a few seconds, the glassy blueness will be turned into a churning white mass as the swimmers churn through it, causing a wake to run across the pool. For now, it is still laughing at me though, with my toes tightly wrapped around the edge of the block, my body coiled up like a spring ready to explode. The silence of the pool area adds to it. There is absolutely NO noise, which amplifies the tranquility of the pool. The classes and â€Å"aquaerobics† are finished. There is just one more swimmer, but his swimming is slow and imperceptible. I take a dive. Swimming. An ancient aquatic sport. Its is the art of self-movement in water by use of hands and/or feet. Swimming is viewed as a sport or as recreation. Did you know is the most complete of the sports? You exercise each and every single muscle of your body, you can relax or do real cardio work, and weight or trotting will never hurt your knees or ankles. But when you learn the techniques, it is even more enjoyable. Storks and techniques must be learned by humans as it does not come instinctively. Different strokes and body positions have been developed to enable swimming. More in-depth strokes and movements have evolved for competitive swimming. Swimming basically can take place in any body of water with the capacity to allow free movement and is not too cold, hot, and too turbulent. Currents and tides can make swimming dangerous especially for beginners with little experience. Swimming must be taken serious as it can result in death specifically drowning, specially in the beach or ocean. Swimming is also a valuable tool outside competition and recreation. Knowing how to swim can mean survival in emergencies. Swimming can also aid in physical therapy and is a general exercise. Swimming has become a popular thing since its origin. Many recreation centers contain pools as well as residential owners for private use. Now, The competitive side. Swimming is a worldwide sport that can vary in range of talent, age, etc. A â€Å"race†, is classified by the stoke being used and the distance of the Strokes. Five recognized strokes have evolved since the 19th century. But I particularly love breaststroke and backstroke. Here is a stroke-made-simple lesson for the free-style/crawl stroke by Terry Shrwader, the coach of the water polo team that brought the Silver Gold to the United States in the last Olympics â€Å" Slice your hand in as soon as it passes your shoulder. Extend it in front as far as you can. Take your time about beginning your pull, and pull back straight under your body, neither too deep nor too close to your trunk. Push harder towards the inside and during the last ten inches try to â€Å"throw† back water under your body to gain speed. Then take your hand out of the water and do it with the other hand. You’re swimming just fine. Are there useful refinements beyond those mentioned? Of course. But they pay off far more if you’re eyeing towards the Olympic team. This is good enough. Ah! The breaststroke. With the breaststroke the swimmer lies front down with the arms pointed straight ahead. The palms are also down. The arms are swept backward in line with the shoulders always on or under the surface of the water. The legs are drawn up close to the body, with the knees and toes turned out propelling outward as the arms are brought back to the starting point –at this moment you breath and pull your head back to the water. This order of events is then repeated. It is important to exhale underwater. It is also imperative that the arm strokes are lateral not up and down. When I do my routine, and swim for a full workout, after the 30 minutes of intense strength and empowering effort, I do 5 minutes of racing to myself. At the end, my lungs feel like they are ready to explode. But I cannot breathe until 2 strokes after my flip turn. My more powerful arm, which is my right one, strokes first. As soon as my hand enters the water, I find the catch I am looking for, with fingers pointed to the floor, and my elbows at a ninety-degree angle, I crank back using almost every muscle in my body. I’m sweating so much! Under water you can’t tell, but afterwards, it takes me 10 minutes out of the water to stow sweating. Yes! That is what I call a good workout. It feels so good! And then, after the workout comes the winding down. This is the slow, gliding, relaxing, slowing down style of the breaststroke. My heart rate is back down to normal. This is heaven†¦The water massaging my face, body and head. Relaxing with my eyes closed. My mood feels great. The water did the coach and the therapist work. I wish I could swim it more often. I’m so busy with my home, kids, life schedules, and routine, that it’s not easy to find the 2 hours for this. (Half hour to get there and get ready for the water, 1 hour and 15 minutes of the swimming, then the shower, then the drive back home). But now that the summer is coming, and school and school routines will take a break, I will do so too. I will swim more, and as if all what I have told you is not enough†¦you get extra bonus when you swim†¦. and I’ll loose some pounds. I love the water, and I love to swim! How to cite Swimming, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Simplifying Expressions free essay sample

Include in this paper I have demonstrated the following solutions for the three problems listed below. Using th given vocabulary words I have broken down each problem using the proper steps in solving the algebraic expressions. Also shown will be what is important about real numbers and in what way they are useful in using real numbers in solving algebraic expressions. By breaking down the equation you can simplify the equation down to lowest terms. Gathering the like terms in the equation is a step in breaking down the expression correctly. Take the coefficient and multiply it by the variable. The distributive property in the expression is the letters in the expression. When solving a algebraic expression you always remove the parenthesis first. A. )2a(-5 + a) + 4(a + -5) Simplify the terms (-5 * 2a + a * 2a) + 4(a + -5) (-10a + 2a2) + 4(a + -5) -10a + 2a2 + 4(-5 + a)Reorder the terms -10a + 2a2 + (-5 * 4 + a * 4) -10a + 2a2 + (-20 + 4a) -10a + 4a = -6a -20 + -6a + 2a2 Combine the like terms : -20 + -6a + 2a2 a = 5This is the simplified answer  a = {-2, 5} B. We will write a custom essay sample on Simplifying Expressions or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page ) 2w – 3 + 3(w – 4) – 5(w – 6)The given expression -3 + -12 + 30 + 2w + 3w + -5w The distributive property removes the parentheses. -15 + 30 + 2w + 3w + -5w Combine the like terms 15 + 2w + 3w + -5w = 0Combine the like terms 2w + 3w = 5wCombine like terms again 15 + 5w + -5w 5w + -5w 15 + 0 15 = 0The final answer C. ) 0. 05(0. 3m + 35n) + -0. 8(-0. 09n + -22m) (0. 3m * 0. 05 + 35n * 0. 05) + -0. 8(-0. 09n + -22m) (0. 015m + 1. 75n) + -0. 8(-0. 09n + -22m) 0. 015m + 1. 75n + -0. 8(-22m + -0.09n) Reorder the terms 0. 015m + 1. 75n + (-22m * -0. 8 + -0. 09n * -0. 8) 0. 015m + 1. 75n + (17. 6m + 0. 072n) 0. 015m + 17. 60. 1034345728n m + 1. 75n + 0. 072n The distributive property removes the parentheses 0. 015m + 17. 6m = 17. 615mCombine the like terms 17. 615m + 1. 75n + 0. 072n 1. 75n + 0. 072n = 1. 822nCombine the like terms 17. 615m + 1. 822n 17. 615m + 1. 822n Solving Move all terms containing m to the left, all other terms to the right. Add -1. 822n to each side of the equation. 17.615m + 1. 822n + -1. 822n = 0 + -1. 822n Combine like terms: 1. 822n + -1. 822n = 0. 000 17. 615m + 0. 000 = 0 + -1. 822n 17. 615m = 0 + -1. 822n Remove the zero: 17. 615m = -1. 822n Divide each side by 17. 615. m = -0. 1034345728n Simplifying m = -0. 1034345728n How are the real numbers useful in solving algebraic expressions? The real number line is a graph that is used to represent the set of real numbers. Using real numbers is useful by charting them on the graph helps to solve the algebraic expression.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Renting, buying, or stealing software

Table of Contents Abstract Introduction Current and future status of software Software theft Stealing software and hardware Conclusion References Abstract The software industry is one of the most lucrative business ventures that make enormous contributions to the global economy. The process of software development involves several steps. Currently, the industry is growing at a very high rate. However, software piracy, risks slowing down the growth unless preventive measures are taken to stop the vice.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Renting, buying, or stealing software specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It affects both users and developers. Renting is one of the future prospects of the industry because of its cost effectiveness and high reliability for use by small businesses. In addition, buying and stealing will also determine the future of the software industry. Other factors that affect the industry inclu de hardware theft, which infringes on the privacy of individuals. The software industry has several opportunities for developers. Therefore, it has a bright and promising future. Introduction The software industry has grown tremendously over the past few years. Several corporate and individual developers have emerged, and changed the industry tremendously. People develop software for three main reasons. These include fulfillment of certain business needs, fulfillment of certain user preferences, as well as for personal use (Commander, 2005). The process of developing software involves aspects such as research, development, prototyping, and maintenance. Software theft is one of the challenges facing software developers. It involves copying and subsequent use of software despite existence of copyright protection measures (Buxmann et al, 2012). Software sale is a lucrative business that has a bright future. Users buy, rent, or steal software. Current and future status of software Curre ntly, software development is a very lucrative venture. However, its future is under threat due to piracy. The software industry has become very competitive with the entry of both individual and corporate developers. Currently, many organizations are changing their businesses in order to embrace technology (Whiting, 2004). Technology plays a critical role in helping businesses improve efficiency, and reduce the cost of operation (Commander, 2005). The information technology industry is providing solutions to businesses and organizations by developing software that caters for their needs. For example, Oracle develops business solutions that help businesses improve excellence, reduce costs, and improve risk compliance. This has created high demand for software and stimulated high competition among software developers (Buxmann et al, 2012). The industry has many opportunities because of increasing demands among various users (Whiting, 2004). Therefore, it has a very bright future. It i s possible to make money from the industry by developing software that fulfills the various individual and business needs. Afterwards, developers can either sell or let their creations to users. For example, Microsoft makes an annual income of about $54,270 million from sale of software licenses, technical support, and maintenance.Advertising Looking for report on it? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More There are several advantages of renting software especially for small businesses. It is cost effective compared to buying, and it eliminates the need for in-house technical help form professionals (Pavley, 2013). Finally, software vendors usually provide technical support to individuals and businesses that use them under rental agreements. Software buyers do not enjoy these privileges. They pay for updates and technical support. Software theft Software theft is a common practice that leads to great losses for software developers. R esearch has revealed that 27% of software used in Britain is pirated. Globally, the rate of software piracy stands at 49% (Fitzgerald, 2012). For example, software companies made loses that amounted to $ 18.7 billion in the Asia-Pacific region in 2010. The United States has the lowest level of piracy among all nations. In 2009, its piracy level was 20%. Factors that determine levels of piracy include the strength of piracy protection laws, cultural attitudes, and price of software relative to the income of users (Honick, 2005). Examples of countries with the high levels of piracy include Armenia (93%), Libya (88%), Yemen (89%), Ukraine (83%), Vietnam (85%), Pakistan (84%), Sri Lanka (90%), Zimbabwe (91%), Bangladesh (92%), and China (82%). Examples of countries with low levels include the United States (20%), Germany (27%), the United Kingdom (26%), and Japan (23%). Software theft is both illegal and unethical. Stealing software and hardware Stealing software refers to copying, ille gal use, distribution, or sale of copyright protected software. People steal software because of poor copyright protection legislation, low income, and high software prices (Honick, 2005). Software theft affects both developers and users. Developers lose money and reputation. For example, in 2010, software vendors in Pakistan lost $ 217 million in revenues. On the other hand, users do not get access to technical support from developers. In addition, they do not get access to updates and may buy products with malware agents or viruses (Fitzgerald, 2012). Software theft is preventable by storing license agreements safely and refraining from accessing suspicious websites. Hardware theft involves stealing of computer devices or constituent parts (Honick, 2005). It exposes the privacy of owners because thieves can access private information stored in computers or external devices. Software theft can be prevented by using real time location systems (RTLS) to track the location of computer s, as well as keeping computers in secure rooms and safes (Honick, 2005).Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Renting, buying, or stealing software specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Conclusion The software industry has experienced numerous changes in the last decade. Users have the choice of either buying or renting software. Currently, the industry has many opportunities and experiences high competition. It has a bright future. However, software theft threatens growth in the industry. Software theft involves reproduction, illegal use, distribution, or sale of copyright protected software. It is common in countries such as Pakistan, Zimbabwe, China, and Libya. The United States has the lowest cases of piracy. On the other hand, hardware theft involves stealing of computer devices or parts. It promotes violation of individual’s privacy because many people store personal information in their computers and assoc iated devices. References Buxmann, P., Diefenbach, H., Hess, T. (2012). The Software Industry: Economic  Principles, Strategies, and Perspectives. New York: Springer. Commander, S. (2005). The Software Industry in Emerging Markets. New York: Edward Elgar Publishing. Fitzgerald, B. (2012). Software Piracy: Study Claims 57b Percent of the World Pirates  Software. Web. Honick, R. (2005). Software Piracy Exposed. New York: Syngress. Pavley, J. (2013). Renting, Buying, and Stealing: the Future of Software Applications. Web.Advertising Looking for report on it? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Whiting, R. (2004). Industry Leaders Look to Software’s Future. Web. This report on Renting, buying, or stealing software was written and submitted by user Bast10n to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

How to Avoid Sexist or Gendered Language

How to Avoid Sexist or Gendered Language How to Avoid Sexist or Gendered Language It was once, as James Brown sang, a man’s world. But things have changed. Women have fought against discrimination and taken their rightful place in politics, academia, business, and many other areas of life. But old attitudes live on in language. As such, we have to be careful about our word choice so that we don’t accidentally exclude or insult anyone based on sexist or gendered language. Here are some things to watch out for. Misogynistic Language It should hopefully go without saying, but some terms are inherently sexist. It would be unusual to use these in academic or formal writing, so we won’t dwell on them for too long. But in case you’re not sure, referring to Boudica as â€Å"some old hag who fought the Romans† will not win you high marks for a history essay. And not just because it’s too informal. Not a lady to mess with unless you like being run down in a chariot. Now we’ve got that out of the way, let’s look at some trickier cases of sexist and gendered language, including pronouns and generalizations. Gendered Pronouns and Words The most common problem we see, especially in academic writing, is use of gendered language. Pronouns are a great example, since the male pronouns â€Å"he† and â€Å"his† were often used to refer to any non-specific person in the past. As such, you might find sentences like this in older books: How someone solves a problem may depend on his past experience. However, the author is not discussing an actual, specific man in this case. They are just referring to a person in general, so using â€Å"his† excludes anyone who doesn’t identify as a â€Å"he.† It would be better, then, to use â€Å"his or her,† the singular â€Å"they,† or plural terms: How people solve problems may depend on their past experiences. In this sentence, we avoid gendered language, making it more inclusive. Similar problems pop up with other terms, especially those that include the word â€Å"man.† Usually, these can be avoided by picking a different word. Instead of â€Å"policeman,† for example, you could say â€Å"police officer.† And instead of â€Å"mankind,† you could say â€Å"humanity.† This doesn’t work for every word, though! The term â€Å"manhole,† for example, is still widely used. You can call it a personhole if you like, but we dont recommend it. Subtly Sexist or Gendered Language Similar issues can arise with how we describe people of different genders. A classic example is the word â€Å"bossy,† which tends to be applied to women more than men (who are instead more usually described as â€Å"assertive†). It can be a good idea, then, to think about the descriptive terms we use when writing about people. Ask yourself, â€Å"Would I use this word if the person was a different gender?† This will help you catch subtly sexist or gendered language that you might not usually be conscious of using. Avoiding Generalizations As well as being careful about picking your words, take care not to make hasty generalizations based on sex or gender. These could be sweeping statements about a whole gender (e.g., â€Å"All men are lazy†). But they can also be stated less clearly. For instance, we might say the following of someone: Despite being a man, Daniel is not lazy. In this case, the main clause â€Å"Daniel is not lazy† is fine. But by framing it in terms of â€Å"being a man,† we imply that all (or most) men are lazy. Likewise, look out for positive stereotypes, such as: Rachel will be a good instructor because women are naturally nurturing. Here, the idea of women being â€Å"nurturing† is presented as a positive. But the idea of women as â€Å"maternal† or â€Å"nurturing† may imply other negative stereotypes (e.g., that women can’t be tough or logical). As such, we should avoid such generalizations even if they’re meant to be positive! It is much better in most cases to discuss people as individuals than representatives of a gender. And if you need any help coming up with alternatives to gendered language in your writing, it never hurts to have a professional proofreader check your documents.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

American and European Union competition law Essay

American and European Union competition law - Essay Example A private entity may file a suit against the court of law on violation of competition law that caused property or business for monetary compensation. Antitrust law refers to a federal and state system, which promotes competition and blocks the roads of monopoly. In the US under mentioned sanctions may be imposed on violation of competition law a) confiscation of property b) suspension of right for a period of one year c) fine up to the extent of one million USD and above in case of corporation d) for others fine up to 0.100 million USD and imprisonment for a period of three years at least. The aims and objectives of said law is to discourage i) monopolization ii) conspiracy to monopolize and iii) attempt to monopolize by way of merger and acquisition of other business entity. American Legal System The American court system is run at two jurisdictions a) federal level and b) state level. The Supreme Court is the highest court. Two courts have to work under incumbency of Supreme Court of Pakistan a) trial courts and b) appellate courts. The Supreme Court is working under one chief justice and their eight associate justices. Their selection is the prerogative of the competent committee of the Senate. The supreme court of USA each year hears limited number of cases wherein important questions of constitution and the federal law has been raised. The trial court is empowered by the constitution and the law making body to hear criminal or civil cases of all sorts. The court of appeal hears appeal received from trial court of respective jurisdiction to decide the case. It has country wise jurisdiction to hear the specialized cases of appeals such patent laws, the court of international trade and the court of federal claim. Magistrate court helps a lot to minimize the workload of federal circuit courts. The said court has the limited jurisdiction to hear the minor cases of civil or criminal nature. Bankruptcy case deals by the court of Bankruptcy court since the credito rs are not in a position to pay more after liquidating their assets. The USA Tax courts entertain the cases of tax disputes between the parties. The mentioned court comprised of 19 judges appointed by the President who have the expertise on the tax laws. The English Legal System The Great Britain is always referred to a country where common law is prevailed irrespective of other continental country such as France where the mentioned law is called Civil law. A major portion of UK Law is based on legislative acts. It can be primary or secondary legislation. The acts of parliament are considered as Primary legislation where as the legislation of government bodies that the parliament is empowered to legislate is called secondary legislation. Bill in fact is a proposal which is presented in the house of commons or house of lords for debate by the members of Parliament before its passage by the both the houses mentioned hereinabove before becoming an act / law. However, Royal final assent is required for an act / law passed by the House of Lords and House of Commons. Hence, three decisions are expected from the Queen a) assent the law b) dissent the law and c) deferred the law for an appropriate time. Since the Great Britain is the member of European countries, therefore the most laws of the said countries are influenced by English laws. In case of disputes between the EU countries and the UK the law of EU will have an edge over the British laws. Anglo American Common Law

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Islam College Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Islam College - Essay Example In Islam, there are two dominant schools of thoughts. One school of thought agrees upon the concept of spiritual excellence through meditation and struggle for nearness of Allah; the other school of thoughts is strict about the worldly affairs and have narrowed the domain to worldly affairs and five pillars of Islam. The Sufi Islam has strong concept of Sacred Law - this law is between God and the follower. As per law, the Sufi has to maintain secrecy in his spiritual affairs, and matters compounding to identity and matters of God are kept private. It is also claimed that it is difficult to comprehend the power and spirituality of God, and therefore it remains beyond the scope of human understanding and intellect. The relationship between God and his follower is of affection and love, and is beyond any justification based upon intellectual topology. The human being with average spiritual status will probably fail to understand the expression and revelation of the Sufi. The Sufis have therefore gain unique status and repute in their society, and have been popular because of their uncommon and strange expressions towards divine authority. In Sufi Islam, there exists concept of mentor or guide also called Mursid. The Mursid is person who has achieved spiritual success, and has developed contact and affiliation with God. The followers of Mursid are called Mureed - the followers do not consider their Mursid as equivalent to God but for them the Mursid is passage towards spiritual divinity. The Mursid is respected and followed because of his spiritual affiliation and accomplishments by Mureed. Mursid shall never be confused with Prophets - rather the entity of Mursid is based upon his spiritual accomplishments and love for God. Nawawi is considered among the great Sufi scholar in Islamic world. According to Nawawi concept of Sufism is about maintaining close affiliation with God. The Sufis are individuals who have submitted their life towards God, and have spent their time, money, intellect and life for maintaining spiritual bond with the Supreme Lord. The five important actions contribute towards the spiritual marvels of the follower, and have been identified by Nawawi as 1. maintaining close spiritual affiliation with God with meditation and Zikr privately and publicly; 2. abide by the injunctions of Quran and Sunnah; 3. shun assistance from public and develop liaison with God for assistance and support, and believe that God will itself manifest source for help; 4. contentment is essential - and follower shall be satisfied with all bestowed upon by God; 5. seek assistance and guidance from God directly (Rafik12-34) The affection and love for God has been restricted to the observance of the fundamentals of Islam. The interpretation of Nawawi about Sufism is itself different - the intensity of love and affection has not been discussed. The Shiite concept talks about the intensity and seriousness of love, there bond between the God and follower is so deep rather the follower is above the entity of human being and is strongly concentrated with the qualities and characteristics of God - the purity, the spirituality and kindness. Dr. Chittick has discussed this expression of love and spirituality which was possessed by Rumi. It is claimed that Rumi was probably among the few who reached the climax of their spiritual journey. Sufism has been regarded

Monday, November 18, 2019

Policy Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Policy Change - Essay Example To attack this disease in the coming decades will require a government policy that elevates the importance of cancer research, adequately funds the program, and makes funding available to the most promising research. Cancer research has been typically funded by organizations such as the National Cancer Institute (NCI), National Foundation for Cancer Research (NFCR) or university medical centers. The NCI is the principle governmental agency that is responsible for the nations cancer research policies. It has seen its budget reduced in 2006 and 2007 when it received $4.75 billion dollars from the US Congress ("Cancer Research Funding"). The agency is charged with determining which types of cancer are researched and where to give their scarce resources. The research needs to be split among the important aspects of prevention, treatment, and cure. Dividing up the funding is often impacted by political and social pressures. Advocates for breast cancer research fought for years to get adequate funding in the face of national gender bias. If a cancer only afflicts a certain race or ethnicity, it may require extreme lobbying to get the attention it deserves. Social pressures often place the responsibili ty for prevention and the contracting of the disease on the individual, such as when lung cancer is caused by smoking (Clarke and Everest 2598). Researchers often compete for private donations based on these social pressures or political expediency. An important aspect of a national policy would be to force politicians to consider science, while removing doctors from the role of politician (Hoff and Bretthaur). To accomplish this all cancer research should be brought under the umbrella of a central organization. To make this policy change would require the overwhelming support of the public. To get this accomplished it would need to be elevated to the level of a national debate. The current presidential candidates could introduce

Friday, November 15, 2019

Story Titled The Accident

Story Titled The Accident When we about to sit in a car, we usually take safety for granted. Many people dont even realize the dangers when driving from one place to another. Driving has become routine. People cant predict the dangers they face when driving, or even the tragic and disastrous moment when something goes wrong. I get asked this question quiet often, Why I am so scared to drive a car? August 6th 2007 is the date that I will never forget; that day changed my life. My perception, my thinking and social life was affected. It was the day when Ali got his license. It was 3:00 A.M in the morning, the air was misty, freezing and dark, and the streets lights were barely on. The streets were deserted and empty as if no one existed. It felt as if we were the only people in this city. There was a feeling of freedom but then something evil began to take its place, we decided to race. Even though the road was bumpy and uneven, the race seemed like a brilliant idea. Speeding up to 110mph we did not care about anything except going faster. It was fun and as far as I can recall, I was really enjoying it. Until the moment I turned my head to the right and saw Ali pointing with a smile, better keep up boy he said, this picture kept playing in my head constantly; at that very instant I felt the something wrong was about to happen. With fear I reduced my speed; just before I began slowing down, I heard a bang Alis car had flipped over, and the screech of grinding metal filled the empty streets. I used all my force to stop the car and get out. As the front wheel spun freely and oil was dripping to the ground, shards of the glass and other debris littered the crash scene like a pià ±ata spilled candy after being struck. My heart was beating rapidly, and my mind felt as if it was frozen. I rushed towards the car and saw Ali struggling with pain as cold as death itself screaming for help; his face was covered with blood and his hand was stuck behind his back. He was jammed in a very awkward position. I tried to help, and kept trying until I realized my help was not sufficient I needed more hands. Thinking of whom to call, I knew the best thing at that time was to try to keep him calm. I quickly dialed Alis residence. I called five times and every time the answering machine went on. Frustrating and panic filled my head. I then dialed the police. Thankfully, they were there in five minutes, but those five minutes felt like years. Watching Ali struggle with pain was disturbing; I felt helpless and des perately wanted this situation to end. Ali was finally dragged out of the car and was rushed to the Hospital; his condition was bad because too much blood had been lost. I finally got through to Alis parents. After an hour inside the emergency room the doctors were finally out, and what I was about to hear was something that changed my life. His spinal chord had broken. The doctors believed that he might not be able to walk. This was a very sad moment; his mother was crying hysterically, I still remember her saying no, no, no this cant be. Mr. Khan was constantly trying to comfort her, and she looked at me and shook her head with disappointment. At that very moment I felt that it was all because of me. I felt that I was not mature enough or responsible enough. I felt I had betrayed his parents; his mother always used to tell me to look after Ali. She thought I was the responsible one; it was hard to stand even a second there of her stare. Ali was not the same; we never hung out the way we used to. He was quiet and lost in his thoughts, and whenever I went to his house, he would tell his mother that he didnt want to meet me. He used to sit at home crying with disappointment when his attempt to walk failed. Every time I looked at him the picture of the crash kept playing in my head and his struggle to walk and his depression made me feel guilty every time I saw him. Eventually a gap started developing, and soon Alis isolation made him feel that I was the sole reason for this accident. The rare calls from Ali had stopped; months had passed and one day I found out Ali had moved to Dubai. I used to wonder if I am or ever will be same the person I used to be. He made a difference in my life by always being there for me and caring about me. I used to be a happy and optimistic person. My closest friend Ali made a major impact on my life; it was a major shock; that guy used to be my best friend; we hung out together; we were partners and did almost everything together. This accident that was an act of immaturity, caused an event because of which I not only lost a friend, but a great person who was also a good athlete lose his legs. The worst part is that he still feels its all because of me. His suspetition made a big impact on my life; I used to doubt myself and my ability to make friends. I got so afraid that sometimes I didnt even feel like tracing and locating him because I feel that even if I try to clarify myself it wont make a big difference; I stayed quiet most of the time and getting along with people wasnt my thing, I think it was all because I was conscious and I feared that I might end up hurting someone else. Through all of these thoughts and feelings, an annoying voice in the back of my head kept making feel that something could be wrong, that something or somewhere I must have gone wrong. Now four years have passed and I have no Idea of what Ali is up to, I never called nor I ever received a call from him, but now my views have changed. The car accident is and will always be a major moment in my life, it made me realize that God has a plan for every one and there is a hidden message behind everything. I had a great friend and probably best times in my life. Our life changes every second, this accident made me realize to value every single moment has as if it was my last, because its really difficult to predict when it all will be over.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Movie Amarcord Essay -- essays research papers fc

The movie Amarcord was directed by Federico Fellini and shot in 1974. The setting of the story is a small town in Italy during the time period of the 1930’s. In my research, I discovered that Mr. Fellini based most of his movies on his life experiences. The town depicted in this movie is Rimini, his home town. He was a well known director who was not afraid to express his characters’ emotions and actions in bizarre or unorthodox ways. The scene I watched opens with a young man, Titta, stopping by a tobacco store to purchase a cigarette. The shopkeeper is a robust, very well-endowed older women. When he walks in, the fat woman is all alone. Titta is skinny and immature and wants to prove his strength by claiming he can lift the fat woman off the ground. The fat woman closes the door for privacy and lets Titta try. He is so determined that Titta accomplishes this feat by lifting her more than once. Titta is sweating a great deal and breathing so heavy after this that he has to sit down to get his breath. As Titta struggles to lift her, the fat woman has a look of ecstasy on her face as if she was engaged in sexual activity. The next thing that happens is the fat woman opens her sweater and whips out her breasts. Titta is inexperienced and does not know how to handle the situation. He’s not sure what he’s supposed to do. The fat woman tells him to suck her breasts. Titta tries to please her, but again b ecause he is inexperienced. He struggles to give her sexual satisfaction by continuing to suck and ask if he is doing it right. The fat woman becomes frustrated because she has not reached her sexual peak and rebuffs Titta. The next thing you know she gives him a cigarette and tells him to leave. Titta is too tired and weak to open the door, so the fat woman says she’ll do it and opens it easily. The director used the camera angles to illustrate the emotions of the two characters. The camera focused on the fat woman’s big girth when Titta first walked into the shop and again when he was trying to lift her. There were several close-up shots of the woman’s face depicting sexual arousal as he was trying to lift her and again as he was sucking on her breasts. The close-up shots of Titta’s face were also well done because they showed him sweating and making these strange facial expressions because she was too heavy. You could tell from the close-up shots of his fac... ... the director, Federico Fellini, did a brilliant job in creating this movie. The varying camera angles and lighting techniques helped to make the film seem true to life. In my opinion, the movie did not have a specific plot. I believe it was more of an attempt to look at life through a young man’s fantasies. The movie received several awards including an Academy Award in 1975 for Best Foreign Language Film, New York Film Critics Circle Awards for Best Director and Best Film (1974), and Best Foreign Language Film (1974) from National Board of Review. If you like farcical comedy, then you would enjoy this movie. I would recommend it for adults of all ages. Bibliography Amarcord. Dir. Federico Fellini. Screenplay Federico Fellini and Tonino Guerra. Perf. Magali Noel and Bruno Zanin. S.C. Produzzioni S.R.L – P.E.C.F. 1974 Giannetti, Louis and Scott Eyman. Flash-back: A Brief History of Film. 4th ed. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc, 2001. Internet Movie Database Inc. Amarcord IMDb. 2002. Juggling Information Service. Amarcord – Juggling. 2000. . . FILM APPRECIATION SECOND PAPER