Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Managerial Impact on Strategic Change-Free-Samples for Students

Question: Discuss about the Performance Imperative of old where Managers were expected to achieve their goals has been Intensified. Answer: With the current changes occurring in the business environment and consumer market, it is essential for all business organisation to implement organisational change in order to better sustain and survive in the market. The performance level of the employees also need to be enhanced, which will help them to respond immediately to the changes that are being implemented in the external business environment. Due to this change of environment in the business, the managers within an organisation has to enhance and improve upon their performance level in order to deal with the challenges and implement effective decision. There is also the pressure of performance imperative, where the experienced managers are given the responsibility to maximize the organisational performance with minimum amount of resources. In the given context, this essay will reflect upon the challenges that are encountered by the managers of the organisation to deal with business environment change and implement policy with minimum amount of resources. The essay will also highlight and analyse the performance that is required to implement hyper competitive strategies in the context of the current business environment. According to Shields et al., (2015), the managers and organisational leaders play the most important role in implementing organisational change, which is highly common in the context of today's globalised environment. The organisation faces different kind of challenges in the form of resistance from the stakeholders while implementing the process of change. Hence, there is no doubt about the fact that the manager within the organisation need to implement the change management plan and change management theory that is needed to remove the barriers that is obtained from the resistance of the employees. It is also important to note the given context that the managers also have to deal with new forms of resources in order to properly ensure the change is being implemented. Nevertheless, as mentioned by Kras et al., (2017), it is important to note that due to the excessive pressure of the business competitive environment the management of an organisation often enforces the manager to impl ement change with minimum amount of resources. One of the major issues that are encountered during the process of Change management is due to the fact that most of the employees have to incorporate themselves into the new style of work profile in order to perform better with the changing environment of business. This requires high level of training program that has to be incorporated by the managers. Hence, the managers have to decide and make plan about the training programs, which will require extra working hours. It is the duty of the managers of the leaders of the organisation to properly ensure that effective and quality training have been provided to the employees in order minimise the effects organisational conflict. Nevertheless, one of the major issue that are encountered in a context of the current business scenario is due to the fact that all organisations are aiming to minimise the expenditure level in order to increase the total volume of profit margin. This has been a major challenge for the leaders and managers of individual department. For example the manager of Human Resource Department has to ensure that we are able to get the best quality of labour in minimum salaries that are given to the Employees. In the given context it is highly challenging for the human resource manager to improve upon the working skill of the employees. Another major issue of the Human Resource Department during the time of Change management is due to the fact that most of the employees are not able to cope up with the excessive pressure of new working skills. Hence, there is an increase in the volume of employee turnover that has serious effect on the performance level of the organisation. Another important challenge for the managers of different department within the organisation is to implement new organisational structure that is common in the context of implementing change. It has been often reported that the manager of different department implement unethical work practice by terminating the old employees in order to bring about change in the overall organisational structure. This is mainly due to the fact that in most of the cases the organisations do not want to spend the extra cost and effort of providing training to the old employees, whom they consider might not have the capability to deal with the change and the new types of expertise that is needed to deal with new challenges. There are also the risks of organizational work conflict that can result due to the change incorporation as most of the senior employees may resist to the change that will occur with the acceptance of the new business environment. As per noted by Helfat and Martin (2015), the organisational manager has to deal with the excessive pressure of intensifying their performance level, in order to deal with the change. The information system of the organisation has to be modified, which will help to ensure that all the employees are properly informed before they are being implemented within the change practice. The pressure of implementing change is highly intense in context of the current day business environment. It has been often seen that managers have to change upon their leadership style in order to deal with the change that is being implemented in external business environment. The change of the leadership styles can also result within the disagreement with the workers at the junior levels. In many cases, the leaders may have to implement change without taking proper consent with the employees. This can thereby raise the risks of conflict. This can be another major challenges for the leaders, who may not get proper support from the junior employees. One of the major criteria for successful business organisation is the ability to implement change within a quick process of time. As per noted in the report of Plimmer (2015), one of the major features of successful multinational corporations is to bring about change within the organisation and structure and performance level of the employees. It is also highly challenging in the context of bringing change that requires high level of coordination within different departments of the organisation. According to the work of Mishra, Boynton and Mishra (2014), the change process is responsible for bringing about high level of stress within the managers. This can cause major mental health related issues for the mangers. In order to implement hyper competitive strategy, it is important for the organisation to rapidly improve upon their performance level in the changing business environment. The main purpose of hyper competitive strategy is to implement fast business and marketing plan in order to ensure that the Rivals do not get the opportunity to take the advantage of the opportunity that exist in the external market environment. From the context of the given situation I strongly believe that organisational change is one of the major cause of high level of stress within the managers and leaders of various departments. I do believe that it is quite obvious from the point of view for the management to expect high level of performance from the experienced managers. Moreover, in order to maximize the total volume of profit the business organisation of the current is expect the manager to implement maximum change and improvement in the performance level with minimum amount of resources. I do also believe that due to the effect of globalisation there is excessive pressure within the organisation about maintaining a level of competitive strategy and implement change within the business environment. I do believe in order to implement hyper competitive strategy it is essential for the business organisation to implement change within quick process of time. Hence it is quite of evident about the fact that the managers h ave to deal with excessive pressure. I also do need to mention about the fact that due to the current trend in the growth of global market in various sector, there are huge number of business organisations who are attempting to enter the Global market. In the context of the given environment it can be said that all business organisation has to deal with excessive pressure of dealing with the threats from external sources. The managers of an organisation also have to deal with the pressure of identifying the threats from the external sources. Proper contingency plan need to be implemented in order to neutralize all forms of threats. In the concluding note, it can be said that due to performance imperative of the current days, the managers have to face the pressure of the implementing change in the business environment. It is highly justified about the fact that due to lack of resources within the organization, the mangers have to face the extra challenges and pressure. The managers also have to incorporate new types of working skills and leadership that is believed to be increase the risk of organizational conflicts. References Helfat, C. E., Martin, J. A. (2015). Dynamic managerial capabilities: Review and assessment of managerial impact on strategic change. Journal of Management, 41(5), 1281-1312. DOI: 10.1177/0149206314561301 Kras, K. R., Rudes, D. S., Taxman, F. S. (2017). Managing up and down: community corrections middle managers role conflict and ambiguity during organizational change. Journal of Crime and Justice, 40(2), 173-187. DOI: 10.1080/0735648X.2015.1085889 Mishra, K., Boynton, L., Mishra, A. (2014). Driving employee engagement: The expanded role of internal communications. International Journal of Business Communication, 51(2), 183-202. DOI: 10.1177/2329488414525399 Shields, J., Brown, M., Kaine, S., Dolle-Samuel, C., North-Samardzic, A., McLean, P., ... Plimmer, G. (2015). Managing Employee Performance Reward: Concepts, Practices, Strategies. Cambridge University Press.

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